Lucky charms to attract money and fortune: applying the principles of the action throughout, made with the hands of lucky charms (runes, money, big, figures, animals, precious stones, and a little bag with the herbs, and the ranks of the Horde trinket, imperial, money), as well as the objects that they attract luck and money.
28 June 2020
Amulet is an object that has the properties to bring its owner luck, protection, well-being and t. d.
24 August 2018
Happy the coin-amulet of good luck and the money will be from tamar Globa.
17 August 2018
Amulets– attract happiness and repel the problem. Thus, for example, talismans and amulets to protect the property owner against the evil eye, decay, disdain, attract luck, love, money, and t. d.
14 August 2018
A long time ago, people believed in magic, by invoking the forces of magical talismans. No matter, from which were created such things and how they look more important — as they work to the benefit of the master
1 August 2018