Lucky it hit or miss. Someone give their life to the full, and whom he had not seen ever before. Is there a way for me to bring it back to your hand? This question touched all the people, over thousands of years. Different cultures have their own ways of how to become successful, and take the risk.

The popular amulets for good luck and fortune.
The cologne point of view.
A very easy to use. A lit candle needs to be put into a glass filled with water (the colour and size of sails, the values don't have to). To light the fire, and looking at the flame and think about your goals, dreams, and desires. The wax will soak up all your thoughts. After that, the candle will be burned, and the wax has hardened, you should charge it up, put it in a bag, or sew it into a soft toy. The amulet you need to keep to yourself, do not give in to the wrong hands.
The hand of good fortune.
This amulet came from the us and europe. It looks like the back of your open-handed, which is decorated in the middle of the image from one eye. Hand good luck and protects its owner from the negative effects from the outside, the decay, the evil eye, brings good luck, well-being, and economic independence.
Print The Remaining Commission Members. It is made in the form of the paws of the bear. She used her predominantly male. In our own time, it can contribute to career growth, and success in the work for the money.
Raciborz. It grants its owner the airfield, the spirit of wisdom and of good luck. It is believed that the amulet you receive, the patronage of their ancestors, in order that it is going to help you with any project.
Yarylo-sun. This move away from the other women. It will protect you from the trouble of not only her, but also the future of the children. The amulet will bring you success in business and your financial well-being.
The rune.
First, it is necessary to assess the value of each rune. A rune may be any value, but only if it is used in conjunction with other the meaning may be different.More often than not throughout the the luck use the rune, Wunjo.
In tibetan, it's a good luck charm.
Anyone who has this charm, you'll be the lucky that you don't touch it. There appears a good chance of winning the lottery or at the casino. Successful, conditions will start to appear everywhere – you need only don't miss out on the chance to use them.
It touches the shank of the indians.
Now, this is the method that is used in all of the places in the West and in the East. Even though, initially, the bunny from the claw she wore on her neck by the indians. The game was considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. He will serve as the rear left-hand tap to foot. It is not mandatory to use the foot on your neck – you can do it, just keep it in the house. Business owners can take it in the pocket of a jacket.
The Elephant and the stable, good luck.
A statue of an elephant, in accordance with the teachings of feng shui, it can change the life of its owner, the airfield to the better. So, as it is an animal, pull over to the shoulder of the water, and the luck is going for you to the house, which has a picture of an elephant.
The elephant is the animal that lost it on four legs. For the life of the master of the statues, which look exactly the same you will have a solid foundation and a permanent good luck.
The japanese.
The most popular creature in japanese it is called the omamori. It is a bag that is the book of god. These amulets can be seen from all over the world, and they put them in bags, hanging in the car, at the office, in your home. It brings good luck, happiness and wealth.
Chinese around the world.
On the coins, the tied a scarlet. Perhaps one of the most common form of wealth and success. It not only helps you for the money, but also to maintain and improve his or her own.
The God Hotei. The statue of the god, to grant you all the wishes for good luck and fortune.
The manipulators of the world. A symbol of good luck in his personal life, in such a way, it's a great opportunity.
The fish-aravana. This symbol will attract good luck, wealth and prosperity.
The downward spiral of luck.
The spiral, the portrayal is usually on the gold issue. It represents the continuous movement that brings to life the owner's of luck and endless flow of cash. It helps people to develop their leadership skills, to be more attractive to the opposite gender, rapid career growth, and the achievement of independence.
A good luck charm and the good luck of the city.
When you select a charm for good luck, you will need to navigate in your sign of the zodiac. Correct the color and the material of the roll is made, you may have to increase their transport properties and the magical.
The fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius). Your charms should be a bright – fit-red, yellow, and orange. The best way to choose a square or round charms.
Earth signs (taurus, virgo, and capricorn). The earth signs are very practical, too. A Material for their amulets, it must be relevant, as in the case of clay, wood, copper, for example. For the color, it's best to have all the different shades of brown and green.
Water signs (cancer, pisces, scorpio). The color, the representatives of the sv in the water are suitable for the green, blue, silver plated charms, which are made from a fine, to brittle materials.
Air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius). Your lucky it should look easy and elegant. Color navigate very best in shades of blue, and of blue, purple, white.
Amulets that bring good luck to their studies.
For the success of the school is used on pet, using a wide variety of herbs.
The bag with the Valerian. It helps you to become more of a plodding, thoughtful, fit to study, you will quickly restore your strength.
Back marigolds. To help you overcome the difficult times that occur during the learning process, to reduce the arousal before, in a presentation to the public.
The bag with the trash headed for the grass and the crybaby. It helps with the tests. It relieves the fear, the negative thoughts and feelings.
In the bag with your dried st. John's Wort. It gives courage, it makes it easier to master new material.
When it is best to deal with the creation of the amulet of kings.
In order to maximize the effect is to create a good luck charm, on any given day, and up to an hour
- this is supposed to be the period of the waxing Moon,
- the process is expected to take place in the greatest silence,
- at the time of the day,it doesn't matter
- it is necessary to bring out the thoughts in order to clear the head of all the negativity, you create a player and believing in your luck,
- you can't rely on other people to your pet, to show, to give a ring,
- if possible, always try to use the amulet to yourself
- good luck charms intended to bring good luck and the best of the to build, on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Lucky charms, which you can do on your own.
The bag of luck.
So prepared, he's going to need a red fabric – is considered to be a symbol of prosperity, and that of the line. And on the screen, and it should be natural to you.
At the end of the bag place items that represent success and wealth: coins, rabbit's claw, fish, god is a cow and a horse shoe. You can put it in a turquoise – it is also often used for good luck and fortune.
You'll want to pack a little bag of herbs, you will also be able to help in the building of success, the orange peel, the bark of the pomegranate fruit, nuts, acorns, four-leaf clover made out of cinnamon sticks, and flowers of the violet, or in the home.
The bag needs to carry in your purse or wallet.
The pendant chains.
In order to turn a coin for a pet, it is necessary to, on the night of the crescent Moon, and put it in a container filled with water, in such a way that the light from the moon illuminated it. On a currency-say the spell: "How does the water illuminated by the full moon, and that, in my lifetime, success, and wealth in full".
The currency you leave it for a night on the water, and in the morning, you can do it from the pendant and use it on your neck.
The nodes in the happiness.
The ritual will be five, with no paint, yarn, and a red one (out of all of these aspects should be a natural. The were sutured clear – to five-times attached to the nodes, telling it when it does occur, is the following: "in the First sentence wrap – pickle I carry the protection of a mountain range, and the third nomalha the wealth to give you, said good luck,,, and seal".
Hold this amulet you will need in a secluded spot, away from curious people.
In the past.
The doll is in the soft tissues you can do anything – it is a matter of fancy by the owner. In order to give you the strength in the base, place a coin or two. The main point is not to prosecute the person to have the care of it is not meant to be.
The doll, a creature made with his own hands, it will bring good luck to you, you are always welcome to use it on him.
Happy dollars.

A bill for the worth of 1 us dollar, you should roll in the shape of a triangle, and, as such, to carry in your wallet. He's going for the money and the success.
The character of the things made of silver.
This is the type of metal, such as sterling silver, it has the ability to of luck, and money. Anything in silver that can turn into a talisman that brings you the success you need to just talk about it.
The rite of choosing the night of Wednesday to Thursday, to put the selected item into the water, and I ask that from now on, she drew in a lifetime of happiness.
Embroidery and knitting.
The owner has a skill for sewing and knitting, and then to build policies, it is not that difficult. You need to pick up water from the image, it brings good luck, or the rune, and the cross-stitch, or knit it into the fabric. Is important to use only natural materials. The filament it is best to take the color red.
A good-luck talisman of a favorite thing.
The one thing that is related to happiness of life, it can be a great form of absorbent in the lives and well-being. It will only need to click on the good luck. For this reason, holding on to the future costume, in hand, in order to take part in the conspiracy: "to Me, talismãcomer, so they're in everything, and is willing to help me".
After that, zagovornye thing is that you can take it with you when you need it.
A. This natural stone has a powerful energy. It brings success in the life of the owner, it will help you to find a common language with others, it gives you courage, helps you to avoid any unpleasant situations.
The sapphire crystal. It attracts money and good fortune. To enhance the effect, it is worthwhile to use the stone, which is framed in white gold, or sterling silver.
The cat's eye. In addition to the well-being and to protect against the evil eye. The stone is a proper, rich people are often envious.
Ruby. It helps to succeed in the the most intractable works. Especially, an appropriate signal from the fire of the elements: the lion, Aries, Sagittarius.
On the green grass.
The herbs that bring good luck and to be able to protect yourself from the issues that we have bound the transportation, in the form of subversion. The bag should be made up of a leather material. Fill it out, you may chamomile, aloe vera, and a bay leaf for a little more.
Acorn or nutmeg.
And the acorn, and walnut, and in many of the countries, to serve as a symbol of prosperity. Usually, they take with them to different meetings and negotiations – you give it to those who have the power of speech, the gift of persuasion and the ability to conduct business. The students can then carry the nuts to the test.
The teeth of the crocodile.
Anyone who carries around one of the teeth of a crocodile, the good luck is going to smile at all of those things. It can also be used politically.
The one in the bamboo.
The art of feng shui bamboo is a symbol of good luck. He is growing up too fast – and who's going to have to have it as a pet, just as quickly, you will be able to make a career and achieve success in life.
The beetle-the beetle.
The image of a beetle, beetle, used even in ancient Egypt. He was considered to be a symbol of wealth. Now, this is an amulet that brings good luck, helps you to maintain your existing one, our well-being.
The golden garlic.
It is the symbol of china. He will fulfil the desire and promise to the owner of the permanent, unending flow of cash.
The sunflower seeds.
The sunflower is going to help those of you who are building a career. It gives you energy, and creativity, and to help those who want to gain popularity and recognition.
Comes to the lucky charms-lucky charms.
Talk about charm, you can use a video to provide the instructions, and it is enough of it on the internet. And it can be attributed to the professional in the cologne ritual. Animals, and it is very easy to do: ask for the round-of-luck-in their own words.
Battery to turn on.
Need to turn a creature into the house. To do this, you will need the help of the four elements, you will need to pick up a handful of soil, dump in a container of water, open the window to let in the air, and to light a candle. In each of the sv of the creature, briefly put, to ask for help. Over the flame of a candle is enough to hold it.
After these manipulations, the policies will be ready for you to use in full force and effect.