To have success in matters of money, you need a strong motivation, will-power and an irresistible desire to move to the front. If the man, and stood a in order to catch a wave of financial well-being, which will be helpful talismans to attract money and luck. It is not for nothing in the East its used as magnets for we are attracted to the financial well-being. You can, of course, achieve your own work, but with a little bit of luck in the material, the appearance does not hurt. The main condition for a mascot, in fact, attracted to a life of wealth is truly believe that, in virtue of this subject.

Charms to attract money: the photos and description
There are several charms to attract money. Some of them can be bought in shops of esoterism and oriental culture. The mascots also the distinction between the method of application. One of them must be used within a pouch or a compartment for money on the stock market, other – stationary are in the house, fulfilling the role of magnet for material well-being of the family.
Note Irredeemable
The most simple is a talisman to attract money – Irredeemable note. The higher the value, the greater your profit will attract. For this, it is appropriate to the marks obtained as a result of the transaction, the rate of salary or fees. It is also a good option is the amount donated along with the wallet. Because the void does not have to be. A currency note or coin as a great value needed to place in the bag, separately from the main mass of funds. However, it is desirable to be seen.
This should be crescent or new moon. When the pre-money is better to hold on before its light, for they were filled with powerful energy attraction. And, of course, it is important to note the main condition – not to change a bill in which the circumstances did not reach.
Notes with encryption
Also is there a way how to create a talisman to attract money received the salary. You need the whole stack to choose a project of law, the cipher and the code that will match with the first letters of his name and also date of birth. Fully appropriate the inscription is difficult to be found. Therefore, it is quite adequate and partial similarity. More about libellum should produce magic ritual, which will give her a powerful charge of energy.
For this she must pass the oil of bergamot, and then roll to the inside of the bent part and mounted to the dental floss of the color green and the tips to tie the three times. Inside you should put dry sage, and seal it with both sides melted green wax. The mascot needs to trust hide from the eyes of a stranger in an isolated place.
Feng shui and money

Popularity acquire amulets and talismans to attract money, позаимствованные of feng shui. Your diversity will help you to choose the appropriate option. To attract wealth:
- 3 gold coins with a hole in the middle, related to the scarlet. They can be to carry or put in the money sector of the house;
- figurine in the form of tenens three tripodes frog, back of the coins, the big-bellied, the monk Khotey, sitting down with a bag of riches, and wisdom, and also of a sailing ship, directed to the center of the building;
- decorative fountain or waterfall in miniature, which is the symbol of the cycle of finance;
- the tree, in the which, instead of leaves grow out of the currency;
- aquarium with goldfish.
The color and the money
It is also believed that the clothing as well as accessories pink, green, gold and black are magnets for attracting money. These same tones, is frequently is applied to the interior of the zone, responsible for the prosperity of the family.
Make yourself an amulet
If you decide to produce the talisman to attract money by your own hands, so he was originally going to saturatioribus your energy. Is this reinforces the magnetic properties, which effectively attract the financial flow in a person's life. In general it is only done in person and with hands mascot, with all the rituals, the guarantee that it will actually work. The amulet, bought in a store, you may find that the memory of the production, not the bearer of absolute no energy capacity.
To make a talisman to attract money, you will need: candle green wax, the same square of the same material, a tablecloth in the color red, eucalyptus sheet of metal, the currency of greater value, as well as oil of bergamot.
Manual creation of the mascot
- Do the ritual to attract money is recommended on Thursday, when the moon is in the growth phase.
- When the clock will show midnight, it should be расстелить tablecloth and light a candle, before which you must position the cutting of the fabric.
- In the middle necessary to put the eucalyptus, which is placed a coin.
- After that, you should take before tablecloth and focus. Although currency, you must inténde in mind the desired amount of money.
- More eucalyptus leaf, along with denarium put on a cloth and say 3 times the spell – the money earned will be so, as I want to. Then, retract it envelope and always have it with you.
You can also make a talisman to attract money to the home, to the budget of the family never had to patch up the hole. For this, it is appropriate to the option grant. You need to take a small piece of fabric. With the thread and needle to sew him a simple bag.
In it you should put a penny to the ruble, asperget eucalyptus oil. After filling the bag, you must tie the scarlet and positioning itself in an isolated place, where no one can see. Produce similar ritual is also in need on Thursday. On a weekly basis, you must get the amulet and just keep it in your hands not opening. Thus, he will feel your energy, and bring good luck to you. It is not possible to make this talisman for someone. No value and magnetism-such a thing does not have.
Effective talisman to attract money in your wallet – chosen in any currency, except for the intersection. The half-night of the crescent moon, preferably a Thursday), you should light a candle. Thus, it is necessary to repeat 7 times the following words: "the Currency loqui, I will draw luck to your. The rest of the way to find me and frustration. My words are strong, the fire annealed yes the strong faith!" After reciting the candle let will remain and ardet ex. Currency-the mascot should always take with you in your purse.

There are also ready-talismans to attract money. It is the currency, through a hole in the amet of red silk thread or ribbon. Similar mascot works on several fronts immediately. Red stimulates the flow of energy, the coins are a magnet for money. This amulet is versatile and has great power. You can take it always with you, for example, in the portfolio, or put in a private and inaccessible for the eyes a place in the home or at work.
If you have decided that the mascot, it is best to keep in your house, the better it will be the cloth of the small envelope. You can put it under a pot where grows the flower. The more he becomes, the stronger will be the impact of the mascot on your financial situation. It should stay an eye, to occur an exchange of energy.
The key and the runas
Talisman to attract money can be in the form of a key of the safe, cabinet or ящичка, where are stored your funds. If you use it always with you, therefore, is placed a binding energy, which is a conductor of money, the ability of a home. In the bag you can also put the runes call the financial wave - Othel and Fehu. They can cause independently in fabric, leather or wood. Then put in transparent department portfolio.
For money sure came...
In addition, there are talismans to attract money, there is still a list of recommendations, which can be counted among the signs. For example, you can't sweep the crumbs from the table empty hand, count the money, after sunset, on the night of garbage, of transmitting something through the threshold, the tool should not lie dead weight, therefore, must be periodically removed, recalculate, and, of course, add. The best storage of the finances, of course, the pot. However, if your confidence even more with your own cache – let that happen.

To the general rules that contribute to attracting money, refers to:
- the money, borrowed from somebody else, should be given купюрами of lesser value, and only the crescent moon, but calculated need decreasing;
- the young month also need to show a portfolio of sound currencies, along with it, and increase income;
- lend the money should be with pleasure, and without regret.
- the notes should be stored in folded and beautiful as it is, in general, that I wanted to be with you;
- bag we recommend purchasing the red, black, gold or dark green;
- it is not possible to store very little and the paper money in a single department. Whatever the favorite of the stock exchange, when it becomes worse for wear, its worth to immediately update.
And, finally, the money that comes to those who love them.