For centuries, people turn to the help of magic: some want to strengthen your health or bring back a loved one, and the second to learn or change their destination, and others – to attract luck. In the latter case, you can talk to a thing of good luck, and then he will have magical properties, that will make a person happy.

If constantly looking for a succession of failures is a serious reason to think about how to change everything. Here are two output: see the seer, you have your magic skills, or even get acquainted with the main rites, which can be performed independently, and their efficiency will be noticeable, literally, immediately.
The rules of ritual performance
It is important to remember that the end result not only depends on spoken words, or the object of a conspiracy, but also of the compliance of certain rules, the person who will do the ritual.
What you need to know for those who want to tell you something in love, luck and happiness:
- Even white magic is dangerous, so, before resorting to his help, and you need to think about its implications. Instead of white in the life of vice-versa, can appear black stripes, and instead of love – a fight or a foul worthy of a man to the side. However, all of this is more likely to occur when during a ritual mistakes are made, or the person simply does not believe in the power of magic and uses it for the well of interest;
- If you can't learn the words of the prayer, you can write on a sheet of paper, but after reading immediately burn it, using the flame of the candles of the church;
- During the rite, the space must be a conductor of his person. The noise, the fun, the laughter and the presence of strangers are not allowed;
- It is not recommended to perform rituals during pregnancy: it is full of problems with the child or with the pain of childbirth, and in the future, the failure can be a tool for your daughter;
- If, for any reason, is unable to read for yourself a conspiracy (for example, through fear), you can seek the help of another person, but then he must always thank the plot acted in the desired direction;
- 3 days before the procedure, it is recommended to take alcohol and unhealthy food. The diet should be only fresh useful: they have positive energy;
- A few days before the rite need to strive to avoid controversies and scandals: they affect the energy field;
- About his intention of performing the ritual is not possible for someone to say, as well as after its completion. Everything must remain a secret, otherwise, the conspiracy does nothing.
Considering these details during the performance of the rite, you can do it absolutely safe and effective, and then it really will attract luck and happiness.
How to speak of the thing in luck?

To have always had luck in all things, you must find your favorite thing and read 12 times this prayer to attract well-being, which necessarily will affect all areas of life.
"How a protein coat used-not supported, Thus you (to name one thing) give Me luck, brought happiness. So be it!"
Another option is the completion of the rite, for which you need a simple safety pin:
- We need to be, when the Moon reaches the new moon phase;
- At midnight we took the safety pin and we read about it:
"The moon is born again, the strength of her wakes up and comes straight to me sent. Luck my from this pin will not come out, as well as the Moon, with the sky forever not to participate. In the wake of the luck my me go, I quite large! Amen!"
- It is advisable to do a ritual each time at the full moon, and then good luck with sure will never leave.
There is a third way to help pull your luck to your side:
- We took the loop, making it a pigtail;
- Need to talk to the tie, saying used for those purposes for prayer:
"Fast luck, come see me. Let luck in life will invade, and for me going to return."
The easiest option to attract a fortune, simply tie the loop with the left leg, saying: "the Tie's a tie, good luck to you draw". Despite the ease, it does not have less magical power, that above presented plots.
The items with the conspiracy of preference carry: they will do the role of pets, and to protect the user from diseases and problems.
The conspiracy on a keychain
For this ritual you will need to agate, that, in the future, you should hang on to keychain or phone. What you should do:
- Wash the stone under running water;
- When you arrive at midnight, light candles, an agate, we keep ourselves in your hands, and repeat: "Help me, an agate, help me, protect and bring luck";
- In addition to a key ring of stone can be used as a pendant, it is important to use it with you always and always hold in your hand, thinking about your success.
The rite in luck
This ritual is universal: it contributes to success in career, love and other important data for each person aspects. As it is executed:
- From midnight to 3 pm Saturday to Sunday, we are near the mirror, we keep ourselves in the hands of the church, the candle;
- We read the prayer of the antichrist:
"Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction vile and cunning of the antichrist, the future, and to hide myself network it in the secret desert of Thy salvation. Gives me the im, o Lord, strength and courage solid confession of Thy holy name, yes, no, recuarei afraid, because diabolical, yes, I'm not going to deny the you, the Savior and Redeemer of mine, of the Holy ghost to his Church. But give me, Lord, day and night, the cries and the tears of my sins, and save me, Lord, in the time of the final Judgment Thy. Amen"
I gave my heart to sailing, taking a cotton cloth. Put us all under the pillow during the night.
Rituals for the safety pin

Since the most ancient times pin is considered to be the best talisman against the evil eye, so it is used in many rituals. To talk about your success, as follows:
- We charge a bowl, put in 3 St. tablespoons of salt, rice and sugar, thus opening the bullet pierce his ascent of them;
- We leave the attributes during the whole night so no one saw;
- In the morning, out the safety pin, and the contents of the dish played out in the earth and bury.
If it is necessary a protection against accidents, evil eye and spoilage, appropriate and such a rite:
- We opened the safety pin, and say: "the Enemies turn, all the evils of the manufacturer, I defend, the deterioration and diverts eye. Amen";
- Join the amulet, the clothes and the dress, not taking off.
A third way to attract good luck and fortune with the help of a pin:
- During the Moon, in the growth phase, on Friday, we bought a pin and a white candle on Tuesday, fulfilling the ritual;
- Light the candle and prikalivaet she calls the safety pin, whispering conspiracy to attract Angel protector:
"O god, an Angel came! The goalkeeper, I defend. The evil of deception to hide, clean the flame wash. So be it. Amen!"
Wet the tip of a pin, by a wax, when everything will harden the fixing of it on the cover.
Conspiracies about the wealth and fortune
A difficult financial situation can be easily corrected by coins of 5 cents, if you speak to him as follows:
- We put the money in the palm of the left hand and doe designed especially for her conspiracy:
"The money for money, wallets to wallets. As the sun light turns to gold and the penny my glittered, the money that he had, gave joy. As said, so done. Take my words are strong and firm steps. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen."
- Load it up with a coin within a year, then repeat the rite.
The money it is advisable to anyone to not give in the hands and place them after the ritual in the wallet in a pocket.
Gold ring to attract good luck
This rite is considered to be one of the most effective, t. to. gold has been used as endowed with the magical power of the attribute. How to do so what is made from it, the ring brought happiness:
- We took the wire wool, put it on the table and put on his ring;
- We keep a candle in his right hand and read: "the blue Tit to blue-the blue of the sea lived in, her nest there in the village. Ring it found and I was immediately brought. I'm going to dress up, people of good useful. Everything that I have innermost secrets if you open all the ports will be open, my whole being. Amen!";
- I have tried to use the ring of conspiracy of all time, keeping it in a hidden place.
Only the faith in the power of magic and your own luck contribute to the rapid obtaining of results on the basis of rituals: in this case, the change in life become evident, but, to do that, you need some time.