Improve financial position and to achieve the stability of aid amulet of Vanga luck and money. Tips seer are simple to perform and does not require special magical knowledge, attracting supernatural forces, which can then take all of your belongings. - Easy to execute at home.

General recommendations
A talisman of good luck and money is a kind of mousetrap. It attracts positive energy and keeps it in. Get money magnet, paying attention to the naturalness of the material. The ideal is the stone ideal of your zodiac sign, or a statuette, corresponding to the year of birth, made of silver, gold or wood. Strong attraction to have old coins.
The conspiracy they read on the stage of the crescent moon or the full moon. He is tied to a name of a person. Important, to read the conspiracy, to believe in its effectiveness and compliance with the rules of behavior with the money.
Currency of luck
Vanga offers to manufacture an amulet coin. Take a coin, the salt, the holy water. At night, open a window. Water is poured into the cup, install it on the window sill. The liquid is salt, toss him a coin. Begin reading the storyline:
"The house — cup full, my, not his. As the salt water marine rich in fish, and precious stones, to my cabin is rich in money, yes the many benefits. Similar to the similar is attracted, money in the cash draw. About no, I'm not going to say".
In a currency to spend green. Worn under clothing around the neck. Periodically, the responsible mascot of the moonlight.
Pin security, luck and protection
To save the money and good luck, you need charms. Safety pin of the strange away with jealousy and helps the pull to the house of wealth. Choose a beautiful new pin natural metal: iron, gold, silver. Before you start the ritual, read the prayer of st. Nicholas. The conspiracy to attract money should read up on the full moon:
"As a safety pin acute dent yes the wound, so my enemy can't get. She will bring luck, keep the money, the wealth from prying eyes hide. The well-being of my dependent on it".
A pin is used in place of prominence. Replacing the clothes, make the most of the attribute. Periodically, do not forget to insert the safety pin, the moonlight, and clean under running water the accumulated negative energies. Vanga ensures that the round is able to bring good luck in all fields of life and avoid the evil.
Jinxed stone for attracting well-being
Money conspiracy Wangi bread allows you to attract the well-being and faithful friends. She thought that, without positive people it is not possible to be happy and to bring life to flows to the correct energy. The ritual passing of the early morning: it is the right time to start a new life with a new worksheet.
You will need:
- taz;
- water;
- the bread;
- stone, proper, the second sign of the zodiac.

The taz is poured the water inside the bread put on the stone floor and begin to whisper to read:
"No matter what happens, there is no escape. Me as well-it came to pass in the house of grace. The wheat highly grows, a lot of bread for dinner. As the rain of dust yes, the mud, the lava, and I with you I will destroy all but a new day begin, a friend of the well in the house I'm going to give".
From the edge of the bite piece so that the stone fell in the mouth. The bread we chew, and the stone spit. Washed studena water. The remainder of the bread are divided among the members of the family. Crumbs to give a bird. The stone is placed in a bag, always take at the same. It will be released.
Good luck on the business
Tips Vanga allow you to attract good luck in business by using a single talisman. This must be done on the new moon. Take the loaf of bread, put into silver, the figure of a dog, paste, under the moon, for shining the light. Starting to read:
"I trader-daredevil everything in the trade wrong. He attracted buyers, freshly baked bread. They ran in a fragrance, they have become exactly a series, do not want to leave. Other shops will not. Just let me flee, and only my good-catch".
This night already can't speak. Are sent home and sleep. In the morning, open your eyes, eat a piece of bread, the rest carry with them. Feed the birds, give a little bit of the inhabitant of the street near the temple. The amulet is removed, it is worn on the neck, does not take off, even when they go to bathe, in the period of 40 days.
The wealth in the house
Money conspiracy for the well-being at home by reading rising of the moon. In this case, the mascot will be the bay leaf. To run you will need to:
- personally baked the bread;
- a whole package of salt;
- bay leaf;
- green leather rope of the matter.
When it gets dark, sit alone at the table, light the candle. In the bread making a hole, it put the bay leaf with the thread within the rope, sprinkle salt. Read conspiracy:
"Grain of gold grew, the solar energy feeds. The bread it was delicious, soft, I'll live in abundance. It with the salt, the wealth multiply. Money in the account is always know. Bread with salt now, here, means money in the house, there is always".
The action pass with an empty stomach. After reading the eat a piece of bread with salt, leaving no crumb. A piece of eat, carefully chewing with pleasure. Attracts money in the house caught cooking the spikelets of wheat. Bay leaf in a rope is placed in a purse — that will be the mascot of the wealth.
The new portfolio
Using tips from Vanga, actually multiply the wealth and dispose of properly, so as not to squander wasted. When you purchase a new wallet choose the more spacious, comfortable. It should be beautiful. Carefully check the locks, otherwise, the money will flee. The bag is an amulet, capable to attract or reflect the cash flows, depending on how to deal with this.
A good would be the purchase of the portfolio, in the middle of the week, phase of moon crescent, in the new year's holidays. Choose a note of any value, in which the application will be to symbolize the number of days of birth. On the eve, at night, before you buy, talk money:
"The spikelets of all the grain grow, then from a money to receive from the other the sea. There is no need for them to wander at will. I have the house to purchase, all will gather. Each cell to highlight. The house, the fortress, the money collects sim back in will not release".

Mascot for success on the job
To improve the business on the job, earn more money, make jinxed amulet. Picked up a wooden doll, symbolizing a Zodiac sign. In the afternoon, before you receive the wages read conspiracy, holding the statuette in his hands:
"(Brand name) give me luck on the job will bring. With the money at home quickly to bring some. On the road, nobody meeting, the enemy does not welcome. The real wealth, from shopping crazy escape. Is filled cup of goodness, I would have joyful, wherever you go, wherever money am I going to find".
Salary bring home. Count money, put them in one place. Spend the savings should be within 24 hours. Going shopping, write a list and say:
"The expense of the mind, buy what you have in the house. Not designed do not buy the money in reserve I leave".
Your sign of the Zodiac it is worth always carrying with him, go now, it attracts money. In a year to repeat a ritual to increase the power of the amulet.
The prayer to the activation talisman
With the help of prayer really strengthen the action of the talisman. Contact Nikolay The Wonderworker help to improve the financial situation and avoid problems at work:
"Prayer is my sincere. Your grace I trust. Nicholas praise, for the case of the righteous. Show me my miracle, sincere and obedient I will. I will take all the advice, I'm going to morality them any one step, I always go to money".
Prayer on the amulet read the floor in a whisper.
Return the financial well-being, it can be close to people able to come to the rescue in difficult moments, and jinxed luck charm of the seer Vanga. Talking mascot is how to enjoy the success of a higher power. Tighten the money is able to positively set up people. For always hurting the people themselves them repel each other.