Century change, and the man's faith in the fact that there are forces able to help you, remains constant. Force, not subject to man, affect their fate, and already a little one who does not believe in it. Someone is trying to defend his home and the children, someone to yourself. Help the knowledge on how to make amulets with his own hands.
Preparation room of joss – if an important condition. The fulfillment of his guarantee of efficiency of the protection talisman. Pets absorb the energy from the hands and thoughts. Simple things will be given a magical power.
Materials for joss

As the material, you can use a variety of substances and materials:
- the clay;
- the tree;
- the tissue;
- metal;
- the stone;
- the skin;
- accounts;
- line.
The best option choice — something that the likes of man. A special force will have lucky charms, if you work with the material is a passion and creative occupation. Such items will remain in painful experiences, the interest and desire facit-human. The relationship of such things with the master very sturdy.
Another rule – the mascot must be hidden from the eyes of strangers. Better, if he will not know anyone, in addition to the owner. If the mascots are made in the present, so have to warn you, to give in an intimate, one on one, to explain the strength of a subject.Before work it is important to consider, where will be stored the amulet, its size and appearance. If he aims at the real-time protection is better, so that he was always close at hand. If it is the protection of the family and home, then you can store it in the corners of the apartment.
Amulets of stone
Stones sons of the Earth. They hold within them his strength and power. It has a table of stone with a particular zodiac sign.
If there is one, you can buy it. Sometimes get stones, that simply, in some moment of life caught the attention and I liked it. Is more often the stones, no gems and cost. The strength of such stones with rursumque ZH, approaching the creation and know how to make an amulet.
Stone clean of any impurity. Suitable sallietur boiling water. Then, the dry stone, and checking if an attack. On the surface, you can apply a layer of protection, for example, the varnish.
The stone can cause etching and collage of other beautiful things. Is preparing for packing: the bag, a rope. They, also, sew or weave independently. In the sack, the ligaturam cucurreris add a prayer, hand written, beautiful calligraphy.
The mascots of the herbs
After studying the medicinal properties of the herbs selected are those that are necessary to man for protection. They assemble in a bouquet. With the size of the herbs must be the same, it is important to know the compatibility of plants, as well as the herbs can cause allergies.
Herbs linked together, suitable for this red string or ribbon. For joss is preparing for a bag or box. Sometimes, the bouquet of put in the bedroom, on the headboard of the bed. Then, it will clear the head to expel the bad thoughts, clear the fears and preserve the sleep.
In ancient times, such lucky charms — flowers, herbs, hanging over the doors, to the entrance of the house. Now, many are doing well. Small bags with a set of herbs do not give evil people to enter the house. If they come, they will not be able to harm the person. In this version, the location of the protection beams of herbs, you need to consider, such as the closing of strange opinions and thoughts.
Things, decorated with embroidery, are considered talismãmu since ancient times. Dresses, towels, tablecloths, served a particular purpose:
- shirt protected against the evil eye;
- towel brought prosperity;
- tablecloth guarded the peace and order in the house.
The embroidery has an enormous power, so carefully, you need to choose the image, and then exactly the repeat. Any embroidery, embroidery hand, will change the whole meaning of the embroidery. Even starting the embroidery should be on a specific day: 14 lunar.
Cord lawyers
Talismans-mascots beaded not only have a strong protection, and are beautiful. Things not to hide from other people. They, on the contrary, wear or take with them in important meetings.
Here has a color value of accounts and the design. Properly done round will add vital force, energy, optimism, and confidence in yourself. The power of murano glass, placed in the main colors of the rainbow.
Types of amulets to the receipt of many:
- paste;
- the bracelet;
- key ring for keys;
- decoration for your portfolio.
More complex talismãmu are considered to be Gaitana. Balls tape, forked on one side. The way gaitana and the color recognized as excellent protectors against impact on the psyche of man. They advise the mothers, whose children likely another influence, especially in adolescence.
Products of murano glass, it is necessary to be able to store. If they would lay down magical power, the damage gaitana need to quickly fix, or better to redo, using the same material.
The power of such gaitana is not lost, it will become even stronger and more effective. You can not be afraid of repair with beaded amulets.
Help-wire conventional
phylum subtegminis talismans – the most simple of technology and manufacturing. You can just take a scarlet thread, tie it on the wrist, processed, prayer and away from ready. The filament add suspension with different characters, protective pendants, with names and zodiac stones.
They can be used not taking off. The filament will be the protection for long periods of time or in a given period of time. Such amulets are, when it comes to exam time, or the first love. In the transverse running sites and chain accounts. The Site also has value, so you should examine them, in order not to change the action of an amulet.
Bracelet nodules, which came from Tibet called shambhala. For it, you need a cord waxed two colors and beads. A cable has to be mounted around the other, with the gradual tying of nodules and threading accounts through five nodules. Shambhala will help you to survive the strong life of the shock, save the wisdom, and health, will give you patience and helps you keep the faith.
As aktirovat made with your own hands mascot
Helps to activate the action of an amulet of church candles. Are lit 7 candles or how many colors you amulet. Ward moves from one candle to another. When this prayer. Candles are no longer uri and the mascot to the side in the center of the fire. Then, the transfer on the prepared for him the edge, in a secluded place.