A talisman of good luck — this is a special item, able to bring the owner luck and success in business. Round you can make yourself, accept the donation, pre-order or purchase in specialist shops.
Characteristics and types
According to the magic amulets talismans to attract good luck share the animated and the inanimate. The first group relate to different types of plants, and the second — items.
Common pets:
- One of the animate symbol of good luck is considered to be four-leaf clover. With four leaves is a plant of ten thousand − to get hold of your possible rare felix.
- In China, a long time ago, they believed that the corn will bring good luck. Of course, nobody is going to hold an ear of corn. To attract the luck put the scarf or sew in warding off nine grains.
- Long live the mascot is the pine tree. Pine cone has long been considered a symbol of well-being, and planted in the house of a tree will protect against evil spirits.

There are and non-living pets, so a set of beliefs related to magical properties of precious stones and semi-precious.
It was thought that:
- pearls helps to maintain the well-being of the family;
- the cat's eye will bring about success in love and money;
- emerald will help you to concentrate;
- carnelian rid of melancholy;
- labrador to protect against bad dreams.
Other animals can be:
- silver key – a symbol of good luck and abundance;
- touches paw to bring the owner luck in all your endeavors and protection;
- statue of a frog with a coin in the mouth of a chinese beliefs brings prosperity;
- horseshoe above the door — slavic beliefs a sign of well-being.
Pets according to the zodiac
In ancient times believed that the movement of the planets affects the life of a person. The signs of the zodiac can affect the appropriate mode of mascot.
- Aries. The ram inherent in a large approach and emotion. An excellent choice for an amulet for this signal will be the pendant of garnet, ruby or heliotrope. Preferably, for the mascot came to the owner, by chance or was donated, so it will work more effectively.
- Bull. The bullocks are known for their ability to defend their territory and rationality. Suitable mascot for them, the image, statue, or a keychain in the shape of a cat. The animal, famed flexibility and resourcefulness to help stubborn calves to avoid conflicts.
- Twins. Optimistic and good-natured twins mascot in the shape of a hourglass give you the ability to avoid the excess of carelessness in all affairs. The amulet will also focus on the work and affairs.
- Cancer. Love is inherent in the love of the art, representatives of the sign prone to artistic professions. Cancers need a mascot, which leads them to reality, and protects against external negative. A good choice of joss will be the figure of a snake. She, in many peoples is considered a symbol of wisdom, and in the form of the mascot that will protect from bad luck.
- Lion. Ambitious and obstinate of the Lions appropriate the mascot as a bird. Away from give the owner the wings invisible, is to promote the development of leadership skills.
- Virgin. Demanding and attentive to detail, Virgins are worth paying attention to in the decoration of the tin. Such amulets to help representatives of the sign do not get upset with small things and attract material goods.
- Balance. Balanced libran suitable amulet-horseshoe. The mascot will help them establish favorable dating and attracting good findings.
- Scorpio. Restless Scorpions will protect you in your adventures safety pin with beads. Preferably, choose the account in the red, which will symbolize health and prosperity.
- Sagittarius. Impatient of the Industrialization of making hasty decisions will prevent the figure of a turtle. The animal was considered a symbol of peace and slowness.
- Aquarium. The talisman in the shape of a heart will make the Aquarius more contained in the communication with the people. Helps not to throw words to the wind and win the leadership.
- Capricorn. Capricorns may choose decorations in the shape of a dragonfly. The symbol of the joy it gives to the representatives of the signs of confidence and optimism, which they lack.
- Fish. Fish can buy an amulet in the shape of a sun. Costume to get rid of the indecision and load the power required to reach the objectives.
Where to buy a good-luck talisman?
Mandatory general, when you select mascot – follow your heart. The time gained under the influence of the internal burst trifle can serve as more reliable than an amulet created without a proper mood.
Obviously, the best for the mascot was made with their own hands, but is allowed, to create participated a relative, a friend or a loved one.
In any case, do not use as a mascot present people are malevolent or nasty.
How to make your own hands?
For a start, you should choose an amulet, which is about to create. Decide what is the mascot the more suitable.
The mascot is in fact an "object of power", related to a given owner. To enhance security, you can apply us away from magical symbols, the name of the owner or runes. Sometimes, to set up the connection with the amulet in it leave a drop of blood.
The rules of manufacturingAn important aspect to the creation of the mascot of luck in the house is total concentration on the task at hand.
The rules of manufacturing mascots are:
- the creation of an amulet, it is necessary to highlight free of the concerns of the day;
- don't let anyone distract you and frustrate you during your work;
- turn off the mobile phone, turn on pleasant music;
- prepare in advance the components to the costume.
All of the materials for the creation of the mascot of luck are necessary natural.
Lucky charms, which you can make your own
You can create a large variety of pets, with the hands, some of the most effective is:
- wick, of paper or paperboard;
- scholarship to be lucky;
- money tangle;
- the magic of wax;
- bracelet wire;
- the arab mascot;
- imperial amulet good luck and wealth.
The creation of the talisman, of paper or paperboard, it will not take too long, but properly done the round will bring good luck. To begin, decide what shade of paper to select.
The more acceptable colors of the paper:
- White – the color of new beginnings, purity and containment. The mascot of the color white who began his path to the goal, you want to have success in the area of the field.
- The red symbolizes the health and the affectivity. Choose color is worth to who wants to strengthen the relationship, to open up the creative plan.
- Black is often seen with a negative value, however, this perception is totally wrong. Black – the conclusion, the absorption of energy. It is worth to choose the people who want to finish the old business, to dissociate the problems of the past.
After you determine the color of the paper, proceed to the creation of the mascot:
- Cover the table white, preferably a new tablecloth.
- Put in the middle of a tablecloth of a blank sheet of paper or card stock.
- On the edges of the tablecloth place the four candles and lights them.
- Place in the paper of the drawing or text. Worth writing on a sheet of desires, as if they already became reality: "I bought a house" — or: "Sarah, admitted in love". For a picture is worth a pick rune, the image of the sun or of the heart, that will help pull positive energy.
- Wait until the candle conburet igni, looking for the text or image on paper. Try to visualize my dreams.
Keep such desires it is necessary more close to you. Place them in the portfolio or put it in the pocket of the chest.The sachet of good luck

Pleasant and easy to manufacture, the mascot will be a bag of good luck.
- to create it you will need these materials:
- red fabric of 25 cm to 15 cm;
- colored filament;
- the dry herbs.
Materials ready, follow for the creation of the mascot:
- The fabric in half and stitched with the two sides.
- The resulting scholarship add up the grass. Choose mint, lavender, rosemary, or cloves.
- Take a neck ties of family, and then, leave the one-week window.
The sachet of good luck is done for the rising of the moon, so that it may take more force. Properly done, it will bring luck for many years.
Money tangleTo create the next joss will need:
- the tangle of wool yarn;
- small currencies.
The wool has to be new, not used for knitting or to work sooner.
Continue to create the costume:
- We take the discussion and started to curl up in a new tangle, weaving of the currency.
- We make a conspiracy: "the Discussion strands – the luck comes, renal tubules to catch the road – happiness in family life is added".
After the conclusion of the manufacturer needs to leave the costume on a moonlit night on the window sill, so it carries the energy of the Moon and bring home happiness and prosperity.
The magic of waxFor the creation of a amulet only need to wax. Choose a candle, the color and the shape of the piece without importance.
We will begin to manufacture:
- In the phase of the crescent moon light the candle at midnight.
- Until the flame is lit, let them know about all our desires and dreams. Try to articulate them more clearly.
- When the candle melts, you do not throw away the wax, and fold it in a canvas bag.
Keep the wax away from the eyes of the detractors. Mascot will help to achieve the fulfillment of all desires.
Bracelet wire
For the creation of a amulet more often choose a wire red to attract good luck.
Creation of the mascot:
- Take three pieces and start braiding"rabicho", alternately applying one on the other.
- In the middle of the bracelet can occur-red of the bead in order to gain a talisman.
- The resulting pigtail tie knot in the wrist.
Umelitsy can weave a thread of leather, so that luck will be the reliable base, increase intuition and connection with nature. Mascot protects against failures and defamation, will attract the luck.
Arab mascotOne of the strengths of the united arab emirates pets, that bring good luck, is considered to be the hand of Fatima. Amulet in the shape of a palm, it is often found in the form of statues and suspensions, but it is possible to portray himself.
The algorithm of generation of the arab of the mascot on your luck:
- To light a candle.
- Take a sheet of paper and draw the hand of Fatima. Desirable design policies of blue painted, this will increase their protective properties.
- Place in the center of the figure, the image of the eye to sharpen intuition.
- Wait until the candle is going to burn.
Ready costume more sensible mark near the entrance door, to not let the failure in the home or in the work environment, for luck in business.
Imperial amulet good luck and wealthFor the manufacture of joss will need a currency. Not worth taking first. Perhaps, in the old shop, there is the option of the soul.
Creation of the mascot:
- Drilled in the middle of coins in the hole. To make the hole, necessarily, think about expensive desires.
- We took the wire or the red ribbon and threading currency.
- Tie stuck in a double knot, showing how to tie the line of luck.
The amulet not only will the financial side of life, but also to avoid the fears, will draw strength for the realization of the dreams.

How to enable the mascot?
After the choice of the mascot of your need to clean the negative energies and turn. If the material of joss not fragile, purification worth passing water current. Another effective option will be to fumigate the mascot. For the ritual you need incense or candles. You can clean up, plunging the sign of the protector in the sand.
To enable the costume is necessary:
- Relax, close your eyes and mentally imagine how it will all the dirt and negativity.
- The easiest and effective way to activate the mascot – take it in your hands, touching the face and rhythmically to exhale about it.
- During the activation it is necessary to concentrate on the tasks that you must perform the mascot and attraction positive.
- To fully charge the mascot imagine decurrant is an amulet part of the energy to defend in the future.
- The mascot need to talk – whisper you about your wishes.