Thus, for example, talismans and amulets to protect the property owner against the evil eye, decay, disdain, attract luck, love, money, and t. d. Manufacturer pets are of warlocks and healers, but their services are expensive, so today, more people are thinking about how to make a talisman with the hands. Typically, people with amulets to be able to attract to your life a large amount of money, but also success in business and in family well-being.

To whom and for what need a mascot?
Many of today's pop stars, actors, politicians and famous athletes use lucky charms as a means to achieve success and protection against accidents. So, some people believe in the power of his pendant-a talisman, and some of the singer in all of the places carry with them their favorite, the amulet – emerald. She is sure that this stone helps to build a harmonious relationship with her husband and strengthens the family. And this singer is not mistaken. Amulets really have the property of perceiving, recycle, accumulate and provide energy, in which they receive their unique qualities.
However, not only precious stones and jewelry become loved ones pets of the stars. Fatal seductive and the main idol of the movie – Miley Cyrus as the little girl goes to sleep each night in a bear hug plush pink, considering your best costume. Patricia Kaas is also lovetelnita plush (however, as millions of women around the world). Your teddy bear, she takes on all, without exception, tours, and even dedicated you a song.
From what and how are the pets?
As a material for the creation of magical talismans of luck can be used absolutely all the items, but the most common for these purposes to charge jewelry (mostly as an amulet to use the ring), precious stones and atdChristmas tree stones (turquoise, carnelian, bull's-eye, amethyst, jasper, onyx, and t. d.), shells, small household objects (belt loops, pins, watches, keys, buckles) products,cardboard, wood, and clay (clay, figures, dolls, textile products, shawls embroidery, ties and ropes, knotted in a particular way and t. d.).
Manufacturer of amulets are involved, as a rule, people who do not know first hand about the existence of a variety of phenomena magic, about the power cycle and the methods hidden impact on the people and events – these people magicians, calvario, healers, mages and of vedmake. Only they know about how to do this costume correctly, so that it has the maximum efficiency, and helped his owner in the solution of certain goals of life.
To establish such magical items is counted for all the details: the time of year and the number of months, the location and the time of day, date of birth and the zodiac sign of the future owner, the color scheme, and specific properties of the materials from which it is made round. The manufacturer of this amulet takes the magician a lot of time and forces, in consequence of that worth this type of service is not cheap. So, today, many people wonder about how to make a mascot with his own hands , without even realizing that the process of creation of this powerful costume is a complex ritual, requiring the compliance with a clear sequence of actions.

In the manufacture of a magical amulet produced, "the recitation" on it, special of conspiracies and spells to help give the chosen object the properties of the immaterial nature of things. In addition, this "professional", the magician bought object magical energies (gives you the power of the elements, makes the "connection" to the intangible assets, entities, or affects a biofield). Thus, for example, the amulet of good luck and wealth receives its power, thanks to the "pumping" their energies from the fire of the elements.
Any good luck charm is, in essence, the true "object of power" of man, for which it is designed, and that constantly leads him (preferably to use in itself and as you near the body). To give you greater effectiveness, the wizard can be applied on the surface of such a joss special magical signs. These marks may be the secret magic names patrons (angels, demons, elemental spirits, and t. d.), runes (magical characters of an ancient alphabet used the peoples of Northern Europe), the symbols of the Gods and elementals.
How to make a talisman that attracts the good luck?
If you are not very know more about the magic and if you decide to be loving or order mascot with his own hands, so enjoy our tips. Read this article, and then you will understand how to make a talisman independent. Do not hurry up and exactly follow all the instructions. Error in the manufacture of amulets can bring to your home ward will malefictиof veн, or get to work, not for the benefit to you, and vice – versa - to the detriment, in attracting the foreigners to their energytieskoma field of energy flows of the Universe.
The manufacture of amulets of own handle, in addition to obvious deficiencies (to which it refers, before all, to their lack of professionalism in this area), it also has a lot of positive things. In the first place, making an amulet of himself, you napitAEte your own energy, which is the most suitable for you and is well absorbed by its energy infrastructure. In the second place, it is guaranteed that you make your amulet of good luck, the way that you want to see it (comfortable in all senses). And in the third place, it will save you on walks in the sorcerer full of a lot of time and money.
Introduction to the creation of a mascot, to decide on the goals to achieve that will be designed. If it is an amulet of luck, or attracts money, so do not be lazy to pick up for it suitable fabrication material, as well as decide on your color and be puted on your side external symbolism.
The most simple are the mascots made of clay, wood, cardboard, paper and associated discussion. For talisman luck suitable small piece of wood, which can give the desired shape, painted in gold or white and then apply on the surface corresponding symbols of success and wealth.
Very powerful natural feature natural stones and talismans, which are chosen according to the sign of the zodiac.

Another option homemade joss can make a pendant of a currency. To do this yourself, you will need to pick up a great and beautiful coin, as well as during the entire piece of plastic, that will be a little bit more about the diameter. With the help of quicktросохнущeго glue to fasten a coin and a piece of plastic to the top, on a currency remained the difference of the plastic, which will need to make the hole. Received hole that you pick a wire thickness and завяжete their ends, so as to create the "pendant on a cord".
After your mascot will be ready, it is advisable to perform a meditation of money, or simply pick up your amulet, pinching between the palms of the hands, showing it to be your goal or a task, for which it was created the mascot. Imagine how the energy of your wish flows through the hands and the fill itself a mascot, .dth beyond its limits and creating around of the magic things of a kind of energy field. Using this technique, you upload your mascot and make it effective.