Some varieties of amulets are widely distributed and are found in many cultures, others are characteristic only for certain people. We present the 25 items that, of beliefs, of representatives of the most different peoples, to protect and attract good luck.

The vikings were in the habit of keeping an acorn on the window sill, so that he could defend the home against the rays, who sends god the Thunderer Thor.
The teeth of the crocodile
According to the beliefs of some of the african peoples, the crocodile teeth help to win in games of chance.
In asian countries, you can receive a gift of a bamboo shoot. It is believed that it brings to its owner good luck. And according to the teachings of feng shui, if you place a pan with the escape of bamboo in the east part of the room, then this will improve the circulation of qi energy.
Triangle – the ancient symbol of the infinity of values, the most common of which stability and sustainability. In addition, it represents three periods of the human life cycle: childhood, youth, old age.
The cricket
Considered a symbol of good luck in many asian cultures, and american indians. He was watching the house and warns about the danger of his sound.
The horse thousands of years was considered to be faithful and strong wizard of a man – probably, therefore, and the horseshoe is considered as a thing, able to help and bring good fortune to the hand of its owner. In many homes, in different countries, on the door you can see a horseshoe, which still serves as a talisman of all kinds of evils.
So they are called dolls of american indians, in which live the spirits of different things. It is believed that these spirits help you get a bountiful harvest.
Dream catcher
It is more of a magical item from the culture of the indians, designed to protect the sleep of evil dreams. According to legend, the first of the people to weave this amulet dream catcher has become an indian woman Nokomis, who taught that a spider, in a sign of gratitude for his salvation. In the centre of a project that left a hole, through which pass the good dreams, and in the middle of a network of drop all the bad dreams.
Evil eye
In the region of the middle east for protection against the evil eye serves as the amulet, which typically looks like an eye inside a circle. Your willing to buy the tourists as a place of remembrance, though many, probably, and trust in their magical abilities.

Scarab was regarded as sacred animals in Ancient Egypt, and talismans, depicting it, it is very much appreciated. This insect is personified associated with the ancient egyptian culture of the rising sun, and was also associated with rebirth and transformation.
The lion guard
The statues of lions guard can be found in many asian countries, especially in China. Most of the time they are placed in pairs, near the main entrance to the rich houses, temples or palaces, to protect the property of the master against the invasion of thieves and robbers.
Contrary to common belief belief, the ladybug brings prosperity and good luck, especially if it was in your hand. And the young wife, the number of dark spots on the back of the insect say, how many children she has.
This ancient amulet was used most of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, which used it as a symbol of eternal life. In many ancient egyptian figures that depict the gods, which with the help of the Ankh gave the people the life after death.
The coins is very common, it is a symbol of good luck, found in many cultures. It is considered a good sign to pick up the coin, the fallen above the eagle, and then use it on the neck, hung on a cord. Currencies often put in the pocket of a new coat or a jacket, bag and shoes.
The power of the dragon, will go to the person that you have with your pet. Is considered, which is especially useful to have this kind of magical item the people that build the career, because the dragon gives strong leadership.
In many countries of Europe, as well as some countries of the Asia pig represents prosperity and well-being. In chinese mythology the main qualities of a pig are the honesty and zeal. It is not surprising that for the meeting for money custom of using the piggy bank in the shape of the animal.
Touches of the foot
Touches of foot – this is the famous mascot, but should be back. The rabbits are associated with fertility, so wearing the feet, in addition to luck, help you in the future, become a father or mother.
Laughing Buddha
All of the images of the Buddha carrier especially the best of luck and wealth are considered to be their laughing statues. On the recommendation of feng shui, a figurine of the laughing god need to put in the western part of the house, and so she favors him good health and prosperity.
The well of wishes
In many cultures of the world, accepted to play one coin on happiness in wells and sources. Before they believed, therefore, can propitiate the gods, and preserve the source of water drying. In addition, you can look for your reflection in the well and make a wish, and for that he certainly fulfilled-to play in the water currency.
Three-legged toad

The mascot is also originally from Asia. Frog usually keeps in his mouth a coin, in which are written the characters. For the costume worked, and the luck has not left you, do not put the frog, so that she looked toward the door that leads to the outside of the house.
The great failure is considered passing under a ladder, which is on the wall or with the office. Formed the triangle symbolizes the christian Trinity, and such an act is considered an insult to the Holy family. But if this is all the same happened, then, to return to their luck and fix a thing possible, cross your fingers and three spitting between the stages.
The cat's eye
Many believe that this stone protects against the evil eye, and solves a difficulty in life. Their love to dress the players of games of chance, it is a kind of as it brings luck and protects against large losses.
The key
Unlock the locked door, or even the hiding place of the soul of another person can be with the right one is being used for the key. According to old beliefs, even the gods better have heard the prayer of a man who was happy the key. In Japan believe that the package of three keys that opens the door to love, wealth and health.
The elephant
Elephants to bring good luck everywhere, where they can walk, they believe in many countries in the Asian region. The image of a pair of elephants, standing in front of the other is raised over her shoulder, placed near the entrance door as a symbol of hospitality. And yet, these powerful animal symbolizing wisdom and longevity.
Four-leaf clover
This is the only plant that is closely related to Ireland, and although the chances of finding a type of clover small — only 1 to 10000, but if you're lucky, you learn that he of the four-leaf exemplify the luck, faith, hope and love.