One thing that helps a person in their works, in love and in the achievement of the objectives, it takes the name of "amulet of luck". These items are usually made for each person individually, as well as is a thing. They help you reach the wealth, "to take by the tail" your luck, fulfill desires.

Amulets, made with the hands
Made by my own hand pets are considered to be produce luck and money, more actively, of what the parties acquired. After all, buying in a store of talismans and amulets, the person can be sure that it is done the worse the engine. And here is a talisman of good luck and wealth, which is made with their own hands, absorbs the heat from the hands of the men, their energy.
It is also a positive point is considered to be the fact that this amulet does not have someone on the program, a strange energy. On the contrary, this amulet is charged with energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be displayed baubles and beads as follows, pendants and boxes, figurines and dolls.
For the manufacture of an amulet to attract money and luck are great materials such as paper and metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric. On pieces of paper or card cause special characters - Pentacles, attracted to the owner of the mascot of luck, success and wealth. Fabric Pentacles embroider or wrapped up in a red triangle in the matter of the note inscribed the symbol.
Do amulets can be of the most different materials. One of the best is regarded as the clay, because it can absorb the properties and the meaning of symbolism, that the manufacturer cause of the amulet. Solar energy clay is able to increase to the cooking - contact with the element of fire.

Amulet of the mass of salt
But not always have the opportunity to get hold of the natural clay. So amulets can be made of polymer clay - you can buy in special shops. And still more easy of good luck charms make the mass of salt.
Flour to the dough is carried by the volume of 2 times larger than the salt, the dough is made steep, as dumplings. Action figure must be very well dried, dyed, can be covered with varnish. And here is what is the symbol decides to fashion assistant, it depends on your taste and desire.
Popular figures and symbols
The tigers
Extremely strong talisman of good fortune and protection from people with evil thoughts and intentions, and the injustice and the evil eyes, is the figure or the image of a tiger. Particularly strong for the tigers, projecting themselves in the role of symbol of happiness and good luck for people born in the year of the Dragon, or the year of the Tiger. After all, the own sign of the Zodiac indicates the strength of this mascot.
Threelegged toad
Lucky charms with the image of this amazing amphibian, sitting in currencies, serves to multiply the wealth, attracts money. A beautiful and efficient symbol of good luck and wealth will dear zhabka, holding in its mouth a coin. Frog feng shui is one of the most powerful amulets to attract luck, money.
Pedestal of coins
It is understood that the folded a lot of the coin is a symbol of wealth. No matter, the old man is the money, or, in any state are on the move and, in general, the current or just plaster. And strengthen the action of this amulet is possible, hoisted on a pedestal, the figure of an animal.
The rhino
Amulets of luck, amulets of thefts and assaults, are considered to be figures of rhinos.
Lucky charms that bring money is everything, that, in one way or another, reminds of the currency. And gold petals of a sunflower, only respond in the same requirements.
Those who don't know that it is a symbol of happiness - the horse-shoe? But the very figure of the horses that drag the money lying on the approach or the cart, is a symbol of wealth, success and recognition, their high position in society.
Gold key
Someone to be happy need the glory, but someone's apartment. Lucky charms, that you can to improve their conditions of life - is everything that is related with houses and apartments. The symbol of the housing - key. So gold keys, and there is the major charms for the purchase of an apartment or home of their own.

Good luck charms, often in the form of cat with its paw raised. The chinese love these numbers, considering that pussy brings luck and help you achieve success. Amulets in the shape of a cat with its paw raised can be placed anywhere in the home, especially in the entrance, carry with you or to portray it on the cover. And to attract happiness in love, you can use warm pussy, giving to his elect.
The turtle
Lucky charms, which attract money, often have the appearance of a turtle with the coins in the back. But the strongest sign of good luck and wealth are the figures of the turtle-dragon. After all, they combine the courage and the fearlessness of the dragon, increasing protective properties of the turtle. This symbol of good luck very useful for entrepreneurs and nature creative. He brings not only money, but also modifies the very essence of man, making their courage, helping to implement the projects and initiatives, to seek happiness, recognition and success.
Golden garlic
This symbol of wealth extremely respected in China. The chinese believe that gold garlic means uninterrupted cash flow. Have a statuette of golden garlic - it is a very good sign.
Talismans to attract wealth, often in the form of a fish-dragon aravan. It is the most popular, the symbol, with which the money flows to the owner of an amulet of an endless stream.
Rod Jouy
Symbol of incontestable wealth, good luck and success is the amulet. Especially notable in their action on the people who occupy leadership positions. After all, the baton is the symbol of power, the scepter of fulfillment of desires, of high social position.
Four-leaf clover
It is a plant known by all as a symbol of love, wealth, good luck and success. And not only found in the wild four-leaf has so much strength, but and talismans, made in a single shape of tree branches. It is believed that the same dried grass clover, which carry in the pocket itself, is able to pull off of the misfortunes of the man, bringing him a fortune, and help you in everything to achieve success. Take a clover leaf, as a good-luck charm, and luck will always be by your side.

The pairs of pets
Symbols of good luck and success in love and in family life in the past considered as pairs of animal figures. Especially appreciated the success the swans, the wolves, doves. Although the couple of dolphins - a symbol of faithful love, and happiness. No wonder that in families Russian of the last century, the young people went with the "arc" mat with images of a pair of reindeer, or swans, - luck in family life.
It is very important not to lose amulets and talismans, and keep them, or when, or in an isolated place, where are stored the money, the jewelry, the favorite photos, dear to the heart small things.