article will explain how to make amulets to attract money and luck with their own hands.
Amulets are known by humankind since time immemorial. They performed several functions: protecting people from dangers and diseases, add in the life of luck, love and health.
- The amulets are not referred to in a derogatory way. Its strength is proven not only a century of experience, but and modern science
- The psychologists say that the availability of certain devices-fetish, in our case, of an amulet, it is able to program the man in the construction of their own destiny
- The amulet, which is made independently according to the rules brings even more benefits. After all, in the manufacture of you invest in him a piece of your energy, that will "work" only for you
- Money charms are able to bring the financial prosperity, to protect the owner from theft, and not the necessary costs
- On the presence of joss better not to tell anyone. This should be your little secret, brings success
Amulet to attract money and wealth into their hands
- An amulet is an important item that meant something to attract or repel
- In fact, the amulet can transform into any thing, that to you has a special meaning and is related with the essence of the query
- For example, as the money from an amulet can be a special note or a currency
- The most important, for the media, joss believed in his ability. When the profit need to thank amulet for the help
- The most powerful amulets to those that have passed special ritual. The fact is that the man we take very seriously the magical actions, and this strengthens their faith
- The amulet can do the same, after a ritual. Also, you can take it as a gift, if you can have the assurance of the sincere intentions of giving
- Any purchase of the amulet should be adopted, that is, to have its value. He should not only be beautiful, but it should "establish a soul"

Ordynsky an amulet in money of your hands
- This amulet is named to attract wealth. You can do this, as women and men
- Use the amulet to need secretly in the purse or pocket
We will need:
- Currency
- Thin rope
- 3 candle
Coins for the amulet it is best to use the ones that you find on the street. It is believed that they are sent to the destination
- The ritual for the manufacture of this amulet is best done on Wednesday, in the phase of the crescent Moon
- Light the candles, put it on top of the table in the form of a triangle, and we sat down in a chair in against
- We took in a hand a coin, and 7 times we read these words: "the Currency of one, I will take one on the hand. As she is alone with me now, a servant of God (name), so come with me a wealth is unbeatable. The currency of my other calling, to attract wealth, it takes. Live now for me in wealth, yes prosperity"
- Must surrender money, as you is one of them has
- Then cross-tie the currency rope, speaking: "Draw money to attract"
- Then the ends of a rope to light the candle without cutting
- Amulet reservation-between the candles on the table, and themselves to sleep
- In the morning he need to put in your pouch, not to tell anyone and not show the mascot of the

Imperial amulet on the wealth
- Imperial amulet, has in itself a multitude of functions. Not only can he help you reach the wealth. In the spectrum of their "services": a successful career, the quick return of the debts, luck, and social success
- The main attribute of an amulet — it is a currency. You can choose the one that particularly like: transported of the journey, a new and bright
- The amulet can be worn on the neck, in your pocket or purse. The important thing, for this was secretly, and, for him, no one touches
The ritual of the manufacturer:
- We do the ritual of the full moon. Important thing is to have a good, a state of quiet spirit, and the conscience purified from the excess of thoughts
- To light a candle and sit down at the table. Replaying the currency used to joss, submit desired: how you have had luck in the career, arriving to the wealth and prizes
- The more we put on an amulet in a piece of red cloth, and take you to the window so that it fell in the moonlight. Ask God and the Universe send you success and wealth
- Wrap an amulet in a cloth and put it on a pillow for the night
Good luck charms with their own hands
- A talisman of good luck can become any natural thing, for example, the stone
- He needs to find the edge of a lake or other reservoir. The stone is not must look for specifically. Better, if it will fall out of look and, for some reason, he will like it
- You need to pick up the stone and rinse it in the water of the reservoir, around which he will find
- Bring it home. On the night of the full moon, light a candle, and in the stone to draw something about what they would like to
- Then the stone need to wrap it in a cloth of red color and put in a secluded place in the house, away from prying eyes
Powerful talisman of good luck with your own hands
We need:
- Dried herbs: cloves, mint, rosemary, bay leaf, fennel (pinch)
- A piece of red cloth
- Discussion
Way of doing:
- In new moon sew from scraps of fabric, a small red bag. Fill it with herbs and read about him three times the prayer of the "our Father"
- Then, tie your thread, saying "I Put a gram of God) command you, your luck and the luck! So be it! Amen!"
- Remove the baggie in a safe place. And every full moon puts it on the sill of the window, under the moonlight (minimum 3 times)
- This mascot will bring into your life only good times, good luck and success
Money mascot in the stock market in your hands
What, in principle, the items can be considered money pets:
- Moneytree. Has leaves similar to a currency. It is believed that when the transplantation, on the bottom of the vessel tree to bury the coin. Then, increase profits, and the hosts of a tree in blossom. Is the moneytree is possible with the success of create on the window sill of the house
- Popular mascot — a piece of birch bark. It protects its wearer against the debtors, delays in pay, and theft of property
- Happy coin or note. For example, a great victory or a prize. This money will attract companions in your purse
- Some stones, such as agate, jasper and sardônica are able to attract money

Mascot the wealth of your hands
There is an old ritual that, according to people, works 100%.
- So, the essence is simple. From the first day of each month, shall defer the proper amount of money. For example 1 number — 1 ruble-number 2 — 2 ruble, and t. d.
- To do this, bring out the beauty in a beautiful box and put there money in a certain time of day (but all days the same)
- In this case display the box simply overflowing accounts, that are seeking wealth and success
- A condition: can't miss even a day. If you missed it, next month will have to start again. Report money for the days missed do not
- At the end of the month (30 or 31 in number) by changing all your money on a great note. Now, she is your mascot on the money, which would, necessarily, the wealth