How to make an amulet from natural materials and charge it for good luck without using cunning tools and rituals? Start with the simplest method, which requires only springs and stones. Pebbles should be taken from the spring, and then draw your wishes on the surface of future charms, for example, houses, cars, money, etc. After that, the stone must be pressed firmly and three times around the spring in a clockwise direction, concentrating entirely on your desires.
Charms, enchanted or made for good fortune, can be different - beautiful, bought, donated, made with your own hands and charged with positive energy.
The most effective is a handmade amulet that really brings good luck to its owner, as it contains particles of the owner’s aura, and not the stranger who has carried out the charge.
Save luck made of stone
How to make an amulet from natural materials and charge it for good luck without using cunning tools and rituals? Start with the simplest method, which requires only springs and stones. Pebbles should be taken from the spring, and then draw your wishes on the surface of future charms, for example, houses, cars, money, etc. After that, the stone must be pressed firmly and three times around the spring in a clockwise direction, concentrating entirely on your desires. After the ceremony is over, throw the stone into the water and go home.
Fate in the bag
From a piece of red color on the first day of the new moon, you need to sew a bag. The next day, put a pinch of cloves, allspice, fennel, rosemary, bay leaf, mint into the bag. At the same time, on a bag full of herbs, one should recite the prayer of "Our Father", and then the words of the conspiracy:
"I put the grass on God's command for luck and good luck! May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen! "
Place a bag of herbs on the windowsill for three full months in a row. When all actions are completed, the save will start working.
Fate for coins
Small coins for good luck in commercial affairs are talked about. Starting with the new moon, for six days in a row, collect all the small changes from the purchase, and on the seventh day buy a notebook, key chain, pen and some souvenirs for her. Throw a little money left over after buying a souvenir at the intersection over your shoulder, saying:
"Paid, paid for everything in full! Hopefully so! "
Then go without turning back home, on the way without talking to anyone. Purchased items will be your lucky charm.
How to impose a lucky amulet
How to make amulets more effective? The easiest option is to charge with positive energy. The method below is recommended to use even with talismans purchased in specialty stores, because in this way you will charge the talisman with your energy, which means that it will work only for you and not for others, and less against you.

Horseshoe, though a souvenir, is an excellent talisman for good luck.
Wait for the new moon, fill a large crystal bowl with water and place so that the moon is reflected in the center of the bowl. Put the amulet into the water, fold the triangle of thumb and forefinger and hold on top of the amulet for about five minutes. asked Luna, the patron of magic, to bestow the amulet with her power.
Choose to save lucky numbers
Save numbers made of wood, stone, or paper. Choose an amulet material and draw on it a five -pointed star called a pentagram. In the center of the pentagram, draw the numbers you need, chosen according to your life goals. Meaning of number:
- One shows a desire to dominate and rule people. If you want career advancement or recognition of your leadership skills in a team, then you should draw the unit in a pentagram.
- Deuce talks about your desire to find your mate, sexual partner or friend.
- Three should be drawn only for those who want to achieve ambitions in self-improvement and success in creative activities.
- Four signals of stability and resilience, both at work and within the family.
- Five must be voted on with a strong desire to win and receive prizes.
- Six of them are responsible for career growth.
- Seven promises success in a magical operation.
- Eight allows you to find stability in finances and find peace of mind.
- Nine gives invincible energy, but at the same time anger and stress.
These savings are made the night before any important business!
After making a savings, you need to charge it. For this purpose, place the amulet between two lit church candles, which should burn to the end, after which the amulet is wrapped in a red cloth and kept in a dark place until needed. When you need the help of a charm, bring it with you so that it is always in contact with your skin.
How to handle lucky charms
You must remember once and for all that any amulet is a purely personal matter, so it should not fall into the wrong hands for a few minutes, let alone to be donated. You should always carry the charm with you, so that it comes in contact with your skin - this helps it reach its full potential and work more effectively for your benefit.
You should also know that good luck charms require periodic refills, for which they are placed at night in a window (on a full moon) or charged with church candles, as described above.